The Fond Farewells (6/27/99)

We all knew this day would come someday, but it's still something of a shock: testimony in the "Redmond Justice" trial has officially ended. Government lawyer David Boies finished up with Microsoft witness Richard Schmalensee ("SCHMALENSEE!!") and that's all she wrote. The writers couldn't help turning the latest installment into a "very special episode" complete with fond farewells of a sort, and really, who could blame them? It's been a long, strange trial, and while the holy grail of a verdict is still a long ways off, the body of the trial is over, and we're all a little poorer for that.

In a delicious twist of circumstance, the ever-lovin' Judge "Grumpy" Jackson had the most outwardly sentimental line in the farewell episode. According to The Industry Standard, when the final witness left the stand, "Jackson looked at the attorneys from both sides, broke out in a broad grin, and said: 'It has almost been pure pleasure.'" And with that immortal line, the judge captured the feelings of all the "Redmond Justice" fans who tune in day after day-- who have welcomed Boies, Warner, the judge, and the rest of the courtroom denizens into their homes to bring a little antitrust joy into our humdrum lives. Aw, now we're getting all teary-eyed and stuff...

But fear not, folks, the show isn't over yet, though the day-to-day entertainment is certainly taking a vacation. Both sides are due to present their respective summaries of the case, known as "findings of fact," on August 10th. After that, the courtroom reunion is scheduled for September 21st, when we'll get to hear closing arguments. And the magical verdict? The writers plan on stringing us along for quite some time yet-- the judge isn't expected to deliver one until early next year. That means there's a good long time for both sides to try to reach a settlement, but given the friction so far, we have a feeling this case is going to drag out to the bitter end. Would you want it any other way?

SceneLink (1629)
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The above scene was taken from the 6/27/99 episode:

June 27, 1999: The abysmal violation of taste known as the E-Power had better be registering on Apple's radar. Meanwhile, Macs have managed to survive the Wintel onslaught in at least one higher education institution, and "Redmond Justice" finishes up testimony with a Very Special Episode...

Other scenes from that episode:

  • 1627: The Phony Menace (6/27/99)   If we had to isolate one single recent development in the PC world that's caused more steam to issue forth from Mac users' ears than any other, it's the unveiling of Future Power's new E-Power iMac knockoff...

  • 1628: Campus Resurgence (6/27/99)   Even though Apple's well past its darkest days and overall retail market share is on the rise, it seems that we still hear about the Mac's continuing decline in the educational arena, as if the schools are just a little behind on their Apple homework...

Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast...

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