They're All Messed Up (12/27/99)

It's back! It's back! Just when you thought those old "Disney Buying Apple" rumors were dead and buried, they stagger back to life like them thar flesh-eating ghouls from "Night of the Living Dead." We're greatly indebted to MacNN for pointing out Fortune Magazine's list of "People To Watch in 2000," which lumps Disney's Michael Eisner together with our own Steve Jobs, and gives us a belated Christmas gift: a reason to smile.

Okay, we admit it-- this isn't exactly a "Disney Buying Apple" rumor. Instead it's one of the mutations we've seen crop up from time to time, surmising that Disney might buy Pixar instead. Here's how it all hangs together... Toy Story 2 was (and continues to be) huge, yet neither Disney's nor Pixar's stock has really reflected that. So now you've got Eisner looking at AAPL's price compared to a year ago, and wondering if Uncle Steve could pull off the same kind of feat if Pixar were absorbed and Steve took the spotlight. Get it? It's business as usual; the familiar refrain of Eisner supposedly grooming Jobs as his successor to the throne of the Magic Kingdom.

Now, let's say this actually comes to pass. Do you really suppose Steve would leave Apple completely? Not likely. Even if he were finally ready to relinquish his iCEO position, you can bet he'd still be Chairman of the Board. So then you'd have the head of Disney pulling strings at Apple. It may not be an actual buyout, but it's darn close-- and who's to say that Jobs wouldn't then RDF Apple's Board into selling the company to Disney outright? Oooooh, the possibilities. Will it happen? Well, it hasn't happened the last seventy-kajillion times we heard this rumor, but there's a first time for everything...

SceneLink (1998)
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The above scene was taken from the 12/27/99 episode:

December 27, 1999: Don't look now, but the rest of the industry just swiped another Apple innovation: computers that get less powerful and more expensive. Meanwhile, multiprocessor G4s may be Apple's secret weapon in the Megahertz Wars, and rumors of Disney and Apple refuse to stay dead...

Other scenes from that episode:

  • 1996: Follow The Leader (12/27/99)   And once again, Apple leads the way and the rest of the PC industry clamors to catch up. This time, though, the Apple innovation being copied may surprise you: it's the "Pay More, Get Less" paradigm...

  • 1997: Seeing Double (12/27/99)   Speaking of those slowed-down Power Macs, after a wonderful hype-licious introduction last August, the Power Mac G4 just doesn't seem to be shaking many trees these days. Yeah, it's stunningly gorgeous in Graphite-- but so is the iMac DV Special Edition...

Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast...

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