Shoe On The Other Foot (2/24/00)

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The Windows 2000 woes continue. First of all, we should mention that the Win2K virus mentioned in yesterday's episode was not the first one discovered; faithful viewer Horst Prillinger restored our shaken faith by pointing out this CNET article, which reported the identification of the real first Win2K virus way back on January 13th-- more than a month before the operating system's actual debut. Thank goodness! It gave us the willies to think that the first such virus could actually have come out nearly a week after the product itself. Now all's right with the world.
Now, on a related note, faithful viewer Chad brought another interesting tidbit to our attention. A Network World Fusion article reports that applications for Windows 2000 are rather few and far between. Let's put it this way: you know how empty the shelf looks when you try to buy Mac software at the local CompUSA? That's nothing compared to the lack of third-party software certified for Windows 2000. To date, only twenty-seven such titles exist. Twenty-seven! There are fewer Windows 2000-certified applications than there are flavors of ice cream at Baskin-Robbins.
Okay, okay, to be fair, Windows 2000 can still run the 7000 programs that are "compatible," but only "certified" software can use Windows 2000's new features. And if applications can't use a new operating system's new features, why would anyone bother to upgrade to Windows 2000 in the first place? So yeah, apparently lots of people are holding off on upgrading due to a lack of software. We think Chad said it best: "Finally, after years and years, I've heard someone say, 'You know, I'd like to get a Windows system, but there's just no software for it.'"
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SceneLink (2118)
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And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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 |  | The above scene was taken from the 2/24/00 episode: February 24, 2000: On a very special Steve's Birthday episode, Wired reports that Steve offered the government crazy ducats to off Microsoft. Meanwhile, AOL vanishes from new Macs-- and the announcement of that fact vanishes from Apple's web site, and did you ever think you'd hear people complain about a lack of Windows software?...
Other scenes from that episode: 2116: Ten Mil To Whack Bill (2/24/00) What better way to celebrate the 45th birthday of Steve Jobs than by taking a fascinating glimpse into what the man does behind closed corporate doors? We all know the public Steve Jobs, Master of Keynotes-- Mr. Reality Distortion Field who could sell those free AOL CD-ROMS at ten bucks a pop to a crowd of Steve Case clones... 2117: "You've Got The Shaft!" (2/24/00) For a long time now, all Macs have shipped with plenty of Internet software pre-loaded. For web browsers, both Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer ship standard-- though IE's the default these days...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... |  |  |