And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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| | The above scene was taken from the 12/14/97 episode: December 14, 1997: (Sorry—this was before we started writing intro text for each episode!)
Other scenes from that episode: 268: Vengeance is Steve's (12/14/97) Oh, for the good old days of the Clone Wars, when high drama was the order of the day and you couldn't click through two links without reading about Apple doing something worthy of being on the Young and the Restless... 270: Nader: Microsoft Won (12/14/97) Remember how we were unsure whether or not the first ruling by Judge Jackson was better for Microsoft or for the Justice Department? Well, according to the Computer Reseller News, no less a consumer advocate than Ralph Nader himself called the decision "a serious loss for the Justice Department."...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... | | |