Taxes. Tigers. Whatever. (3/15/05)

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Are you so anxious to get your grubby lil' paws on Mac OS X 10.4-- that's "Tiger" to us cool kids, ya know-- that you're gnawing off your own limbs in anticipation? That could be a problem, since Uncle Steve only said that Tiger would ship in the first half of this year, which means it can arrive as late as June 30th and still be technically on time. By then, even if you're a slow and thorough chewer, you're not likely to have any limbs left-- which would probably seriously reduce your enjoyment of the operating system in the first place. What to do?
Well, you could always hinder your limb-chewing progress by coating your arms and legs in MAVALA Stop or bat guano or something, but before you go to such extremes just to save your limbs, it's worth noting that you may not have to hold out for quite so long after all. Remember about a week ago when we alluded to hints that Tiger might ship a bit earlier than the end of June? Now Think Secret gives us even more hope-- and a date. Reportedly Apple is preparing to announce Tiger's imminent release at a media event slated for April 1st, with the operating system reaching customers and store shelves by April 15th. That's less than a month away-- the odds are pretty good that you'll still have at least a leg or two left by then, and mousing with one's toes is probably a lot easier than it sounds.
In addition to citing "sources close to the company" when tossing around the April 15th date, Think Secret also points out numerous clues that Tiger will ship in April, including more frequent developer builds of the OS, Apple's alleged doubling of its estimates for software sales by the end of May, the planned release of Tiger-only software apps at NAB on April 18th, and the expected introduction of Tiger-preloaded iMacs and eMacs in mid-April. Okay, sure, plenty of that is also predicated on info from "sources close to the company," but if it's still not good enough for you, then take a gander at eWEEK, which is arguably closer to "legitimate press." eWEEK sides with Think Secret, claiming that its own company sources confirm the April 15th in-stores date. So apparently we'll all be Tigering ourselves into a frenzy sooner rather than later.
April 15th: finally, something good to associate with that date! And wow, is it really possible that's specified Tiger ship date (most recently reported to be April 18th) was based on something more relevant than a series of coin tosses and games of rock-paper-scissors? It's like finding out that Santa Claus is actually real, or that the Milli Vanilli guys were really singing after all. Of course, it was probably just a coincidence, but still, it's as close to spotting the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich as we're ever likely to get.
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SceneLink (5209)
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And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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 |  | The above scene was taken from the 3/15/05 episode: March 15, 2005: Is Apple buying a couple more companies, just to keep its hand in? Meanwhile, the company acknowledges "issues" with the new scrolling trackpads in its latest PowerBooks, and various sources indicate that Mac OS X 10.4 (aka "Tiger") will touch down on April 15th-- a month and a half before deadline...
Other scenes from that episode: 5207: A Few Things To Pick Up (3/15/05) Say, is it just us being way out of touch again, or has it really been a while since Apple whipped out the checkbook and bought up a small company or three? For a while, there, the acquisitions seemed to be coming fast and furious (Raycer, PowerSchool, Spruce, Nothing Real, Emagic, etc.), but we can't recall any mad shopping sprees of late... 5208: Scrolling Trackpad Of DOOM (3/15/05) Okay, the honeymoon's over-- we've had this new PowerBook for a week, now, and we've recovered sufficiently from the Blissed-Out Daze of New Macdom to say this straight out: while we totally love the speed, the screen, and just about everything else about this svelte hunka-hunka burnin' aluminum, the new trackpad is, to be brutally frank, annoying the living bejeezus out of us...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... |  |  |