Best Buy Yet Again (9/30/99)

Let's face it: Apple's relationship with national retail chains has always been at least mildly dysfunctional, and occasionally it teeters precariously on the verge of outright psychosis. Way back in the "scary days," display-model Performas in Sears and Best Buy were neglected, abused, ridiculed, and served more to dissuade potential Mac purchasers than to entice them. So when Steve retook the helm, we can't say we were surprised when he severed ties with all national retailers except for CompUSA; more than anything, we suppose we were mildly puzzled that CompUSA made the cut, even with the "store-within-a-store" deal, because some CompUSAs are about as Mac-friendly as a coked-up Bill Gates tripping on his mammoth and chemically-enhanced ego. (Note: the preceding simile was used for dramatic effect only, and is in no way meant to be construed as a serious claim that Bill Gates' mammoth ego is the result of illegal drug use.)

Anyway, the CompUSA partnership turned out to be at least mildly worthwhile, and after the iMac captured the hearts and minds of consumers across the globe, it's no surprise that Sears and Best Buy came crawling back. So far, Sears' performance has been lackluster at best-- they've broadcast one TV ad for the iMac, which was great, but the iMac presence in Sears' Sunday newspaper circulars has been limited to two measly appearances, and we're hearing rumors that iMac sales at Sears have been absolutely abysmal. And the Best Buy re-alliance was, as you know, a complete and utter disaster. As reports stacked up describing Best Buy sales personnel openly ridiculing iMac-interested customers, the corporate end wasn't too helpful either. First they panicked when they didn't see iMacs flying off the shelves (um, maybe they should have asked their sales folks why...) and lowered the price to well below Apple's minimum advertised price, prompting widespread reseller panic. Later on, they threw a snit fit when the iMac came in five colors, and rather than stock all five, they decided to stop selling the iMac altogether. Welcome to Splitsville-- again.

But wouldja believe Apple and Best Buy are about to give it yet another try? At least, that's the hot rumor amid all the Kihei stuff floating around; the reason that the "low-end" Kihei is only available in Blueberry is reportedly so that Best Buy will actually agree to stock it. So there's a chance that once the new iMacs start shipping, consumers will be able to buy sub-$1000 Blueberry iMacs in Best Buy. What do you think-- third time's the charm?

SceneLink (1816)
And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors

From the writer/creator of AtAT, a Pandemic Dad Joke taken WAYYYYYY too far


The above scene was taken from the 9/30/99 episode:

September 30, 1999: Kihei is coming sooner than you think. How's Tuesday suit you? Meanwhile, the rumors of a Blueberry-only low-end Kihei may herald the return of Best Buy to the Mac fold, and ZDNN's lack of taste is showing again...

Other scenes from that episode:

  • 1815: Coming Soon(er) (9/30/99)   It's pretty safe to say that the cat's out of the bag on this whole "Kihei" deal. In fact, we'd go so far as to say that the cat's nowhere near the bag; once the alleged photos of the new iMac leaked onto the web and Apple's lawyers started handing out cease-and-desist orders like they were AOL sign-up disks, the cat had left town to start a new life, clutching a restraining order preventing the bag from coming within 500 feet of it ever again...

  • 1817: Never So Insulted (9/30/99)   (Note: As of Friday, 10/1/99 at 11:45 AM EDT, the egregious error referred to in the following scene has since been corrected by ZDNN. If you missed it, sorry about that, but a kind anonymous soul sent us a screenshot.) Here's a question for you.....

Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast...

Vote Early, Vote Often!
Why did you tune in to this '90s relic of a soap opera?
Nostalgia is the next best thing to feeling alive
My name is Rip Van Winkle and I just woke up; what did I miss?
I'm trying to pretend the last 20 years never happened
I mean, if it worked for Friends, why not?
I came here looking for a receptacle in which to place the cremated remains of my deceased Java applets (think about it)

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Site best viewed with a sense of humor. AtAT is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Keep hands inside car at all times. The drinking of beverages while watching AtAT is strongly discouraged; AtAT is not responsible for damage, discomfort, or staining caused by spit-takes or "nosers."

Everything you see here that isn't attributed to other parties is copyright ©,1997-2025 J. Miller and may not be reproduced or rebroadcast without his explicit consent (or possibly the express written consent of Major League Baseball, but we doubt it).