Keeping The Dream Alive (1/31/00)

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Fear not, true believers; there are still more rumor scraps to sustain those of you who, like us, still keep a candle lit in the window for an Apple-branded Palm device. Recently the naysayers have been had their own rumorlicious ammo-- namely, the still-under-wraps Palm IIIc, Palm's first foray into the world of color PDAs. The IIIc's existence has been a public secret for months now, and a February introduction is still expected; in fact, the device has reportedly already materialized in the byzantine inventory systems of CompUSA. Many have taken that to mean that the mysterious color device to be unveiled at Palm's imminent Palm Color Device Developer Connection is none other than the IIIc itself, despite Palm's own maddeningly ambiguous claim that it's the baby of "one of the hardware manufacturers that makes products based on the Palm OS." Yeah, Palm is indeed one of those manufacturers, but the phraseology is darned wacky if that's really what they meant.
So, just for the sake of screwball speculation, let's take Palm's statement at face value and assume for the moment that the color Palm OS device making its debut at this developer shindig is not the IIIc. Then what? A new Visor? Not likely, given how Handspring spends all its time doing backflips trying to fulfill demand for the current model. Sony, or one of the other known Palm OS licensees? More plausible, to be sure-- especially since Palm only finally broke down and added color support to the Palm OS because of Sony's insistence, but where's the drama in that? Nope, our money's still on the dark horse: Apple. These Apple-Palm rumors have been too numerous to ignore, and that little comment Steve Jobs made about Palm during his keynote ("We've been doing a lot of work with these guys lately" or words to that effect) only strengthens our suspicions.
And here's where the pipe-dream-sustaining rumor comes in: a rumor-monger of no lesser stature than Mac the Knife himself (well, okay, it's actually his intern Brett) has the goods. He claims that sources from all sides are proclaiming this week's Apple's Demo Days to be the "possible" launch date for an Apple-branded Palm OS unit-- the very first of its ilk to support color. Okay, sure, the Knife's been wrong before, but despite his predilection for drug-induced obscurity, he's had more than his share of accurate predictions. Plus, with his impressive pharmaceutical history, we bet he knows a thing or two about seeing colors. Inside info or drug-addled hallucination? We'll know in a week or two.
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SceneLink (2065)
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And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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 |  | The above scene was taken from the 1/31/00 episode: January 31, 2000: Is Apple mere days away from introducing the world's first color Palm OS-based handheld? Meanwhile, rumors of Pismo's long-awaited debut place the event within the next few weeks, and everyone's choosing up sides as "Redmond Justice" nears its bloody conclusion...
Other scenes from that episode: 2066: Closer Than You Think (1/31/00) Speaking of portable Apple gear most of us expected to see long ago at a keynote far, far away-- just where the heck is Pismo? Prognosticators trying to forecast a revised intro date for Apple's long-overdue (well, as overdue as any unannounced product without an official ship date can be) PowerBook revision have spat out dates wildly ranging anywhere from this week through May-- of 2006... 2067: "We're Number One!" (1/31/00) If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you ain't fer us, yer agin' us. Shirts against skins. All that fun polarizing stuff. Yes, that's right, "Redmond Justice" is coming right down to the wire, so now more than ever it's time to pick a side...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... |  |  |