Closer Than You Think (1/31/00)

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Speaking of portable Apple gear most of us expected to see long ago at a keynote far, far away-- just where the heck is Pismo? Prognosticators trying to forecast a revised intro date for Apple's long-overdue (well, as overdue as any unannounced product without an official ship date can be) PowerBook revision have spat out dates wildly ranging anywhere from this week through May-- of 2006. But hold on to your hats, because convergence is now upon us. Multiple sources are now saying that Pismo's just around the corner.
For instance, Mac the Knife throws in his two cents, claiming that Pismo's gone "golden master" and once Mac OS 9.0.1 is ready to roll, the new PowerBooks should be ready for a Macworld Expo Tokyo introduction in a couple of weeks. Okay, yeah, we know-- Apple pretty much never unveils a major new product at an overseas event, but hey, Uncle Steve is always full of surprises, so we figure anything's possible. Then there's Go2Mac, formerly O'Grady's PowerPage, who predicts a Pismo debut a week earlier; according to them, "the second week of February" is the magic time frame. And Mac OS Rumors essentially concurs with both of them, claiming there's "at least two weeks left before Apple is ready to ship Pismo." All told, we're looking at sometime before the end of February, apparently.
As for our own prediction, we claim that Pismo was in fact announced a month ago during the San Francisco Expo keynote, but for reasons known only to the Powers That Be, Phil Schiller did the honors backstage without a microphone during Steve's Mac OS X demo; consequently, no one noticed. Our only explanation for such a bizarre move is an intricate conspiracy with a myriad of interlocking complexities, including governmental graft, spy satellite tracking technology, genetically-altered tobacco crops, and a surprise bid for the 2000 Presidential election. We'll let you work out the details for yourselves.
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SceneLink (2066)
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And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors |
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 |  | The above scene was taken from the 1/31/00 episode: January 31, 2000: Is Apple mere days away from introducing the world's first color Palm OS-based handheld? Meanwhile, rumors of Pismo's long-awaited debut place the event within the next few weeks, and everyone's choosing up sides as "Redmond Justice" nears its bloody conclusion...
Other scenes from that episode: 2065: Keeping The Dream Alive (1/31/00) Fear not, true believers; there are still more rumor scraps to sustain those of you who, like us, still keep a candle lit in the window for an Apple-branded Palm device. Recently the naysayers have been had their own rumorlicious ammo-- namely, the still-under-wraps Palm IIIc, Palm's first foray into the world of color PDAs... 2067: "We're Number One!" (1/31/00) If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you ain't fer us, yer agin' us. Shirts against skins. All that fun polarizing stuff. Yes, that's right, "Redmond Justice" is coming right down to the wire, so now more than ever it's time to pick a side...
Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast... |  |  |