Steve Leaves (Big) Apple (5/22/03)

And this just in, still more from the "Stuff Everyone But Us May Well Have Already Heard About Ages Ago" Department: faithful viewer Kassandra notes that a recent New York Times article contains a quick mention about Steve Jobs having sold his San Remo duplex in New York City last month, which listed for $14.5 million. What? Only $14.5 million? For that kind of price, we can only assume it must have had some really lousy closet space. Like, say, a mere 8000 cubic feet. And only three bidets.

Then again, this is New York we're talking about, here, so for all we know, $14.5 mil might be the going rate for a half-bath with a pillow on the floor and a hotplate sitting on top of the toilet tank. Regardless, just what are we to infer by Steve pulling up stakes and selling his digs in the Big Apple? For our part, we're choosing to interpret it as the final incontrovertible evidence that Macworld Expo New York is dead, gone, buried, forgotten, and above all, kaput.

Oh, sure, we know-- Macworld Expo isn't gone, it was just "renamed." "Macworld CreativePro" or some such hoo-haa. The promotional yammer states that CreativePro is a "unique event developed for design, publishing, video and audio professionals and prosumers"... as opposed to just being targeted at Mac-addicted freaks of all ages. Sigh. There's a new "educational focus" (which, frankly, scares the bejeezus out of us), and IDG warns us that "Serious business will be conducted. Serious fun will be had. Creative juices will be flowing." So if you go, make sure you bring a mop.

Yes, we know that Apple is exhibiting and even hosting a Feature Presentation, and there's no real reason why the show won't be every bit as enjoyable as when it used to be "Macworld Expo." But as far we're concerned, if there's no Stevenote, it's just not the same. And seeing as the man can't even be bothered to maintain a chintzy little $14.5 million hole-in-the-wall in New York so he has a place to crash out after his annual three-ring circus, we suppose that hopes of a surprise guest appearance are fading fast. So much for pipe dreams, eh?

Meanwhile, the fate of next year's Macworld Expo Boston remains sketchy at best; IDG has kept the event listed, but as far as we know, Apple still refuses even to show up. Perhaps another renaming is in order. May we humbly suggest "Macworld BigEmptyShowFloor Conference & Expo"?

SceneLink (3968)
And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors

From the writer/creator of AtAT, a Pandemic Dad Joke taken WAYYYYYY too far


The above scene was taken from the 5/22/03 episode:

May 22, 2003: Does this iPod backlight look blue to you? How about now? Meanwhile, Steve Jobs sells his New York apartment, and three million pages of Microsoft memos are about to become "squeezably soft"...

Other scenes from that episode:

  • 3967: The Eye Of The 'Pod Holder (5/22/03)   Duck and cover, kiddies, because there's a fierce debate raging among the Apple community that shows every sign of escalating into a full-blown nuclear riot before the dust finally settles. Despite what you might guess, it has nothing to do with alleged PowerPC 970 benchmarks, whether all the buzz about "Panther piles" is really just one big poop joke, or aluminum vs. titanium and whose dad would win in a fight...

  • 3969: Back From Whence It Came (5/22/03)   Too easy. Way too easy. "Shooting fish in a barrel with a fish-seeking barrel gun" easy. Man, sometimes the challenge in producing this show isn't adapting reality into something a little more dramatic; sometimes it's trying to come up with something to say beyond the obvious cheap shots which Microsoft is so famously adept at setting itself up for...

Or view the entire episode as originally broadcast...

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I mean, if it worked for Friends, why not?
I came here looking for a receptacle in which to place the cremated remains of my deceased Java applets (think about it)

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